Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nuggets of Sunshine

Yes, I love sunshine!  It makes me smile.

A few other things that bring a smile to my face are...

REAL addressed-to-me-by-hand mail.

REAL addressed-to-me-by-hand mail from a new friend halfway across the country.

Long sleeved t-shirts (especially if they support a cause).

Easter and the candy that goes along with it...

New friendships that only could've been possible through the Lord. 

Thanks Amy!  You're so sweet and thoughtful! 

And I MUST leave you with a couple of pictures of my one year old DOG (he's not a puppy anymore)!  
He was excited about my package too!

That's a nugget. --B


  1. awwwwwww!!!!!!!!!! I was on my blog this morning and I saw how your blog was updated so I of course was way excited to hear what you had to say and it was about me....tear, tear!

    That was sooo sweet and made my Thursday morning!!!!!!! THANK YOU!

    And I couldn't agree more: New friendships that only could've been possible through the Lord. Thank you GOD!

    Hope you have a great day! And enjoy that sunshine!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ps that shirt is soo cute on you:)
    AND Happy Birthday to your sweet doggie. love the pics!

  2. need to blog more. how about that mission trip you just went on? HAHAHA
