Friday, February 12, 2010

10 in '10

You can cross number 7 off of the list!!! LamarOKC featured ME on their billboard! 


So I'm not a fan of "New Year's Resolutions" but I do like to make goals and accomplish them or a to-do list and cross them off.  I've actually been known to do something then add it to my list and cross it off.  Yeah, it still feels good... Don't judge.  You should try it.

Since everyone is all about the '10, here are ten things that I want to achieve in 2010:

     1. Read 12 books.  Last year I made a goal to read a book a month and I failed miserably.  I figure 12 books is the same thing but I don't have to be stressed about it
during my busy work months. Here are a few that I want to read, finish, or re-read.
         Side note:  I just finished "Same Kind of Different as Me" for the Bloom Book Club.  This group of 1000+ women is awesome and if you care to join just click on the link!

     2. Be more organized.  This is something I've NEVER been good at.  I guess I've just never known how to be organized.  Sounds silly, but it's true.  I've started with my desk/office at work...


     3. Floss more often.  Seriously, I HATE the dentist so maybe my first goal should be to make a dentist appointment (My friend Vivian is helping with this).  But, yes, I want to floss more.

     4. Start running again.  Running is a huge stress relief for me and I love it, but I've gotten out of it. I would say that I want to make the goal of running a half marathon but I don't know that I'll achieve it.  I will say that my goal will be to register and finish an organized race.  I'll probably start with a 5K... maybe this one for work!

     5. Be more diligent in praying.  I've purchased a simple little notebook that I can date and write down prayer requests and then write how they were answered.  I think it's a good start.

     6. Give blood.  Not only am I afraid of the dentist, I'm afraid of someone sticking a hollow needle in my vein and sucking my blood out.  However, when my grandpa was in his last moments 5 years ago he received a lot of blood.  People donated that blood and it meant a lot to my family so I want to do it too. 

     7. Have a tweet appear on a billboard in Oklahoma City.  Lamar, an Oklahoma City billboard company, posts funny/interesting/informative tweets that are less than 90 characters on their digital billboards around town.  Great marking on their part! 

     8. To go to a movie by myself.  Me and my new friend Amy (we met through the Bloom Book Club that is mentioned above) are planning to do this "together" one night.  We'll still be going by ourselves though because she lives in North Carolina. 

     9. To do the laundry once a month.  I hesitate when I type that because I know WHO will be reading this.  I am really bad at laundry.  I may wash it, dry it a little later, even fold it, but I can't put it away.  My awesome husband normally takes care of laundry.  What a great guy!

    10. Finish a scrapbook I started about 5 years ago.  I also want to take more pictures and document these first few years of me and Jacob's marriage.  There's this awesome thing called Project Life where you take a picture everyday and write a little note about it on a card and BAM! one year later you have a full album.  The kit is available on Amazon.

So there you have it.  My 10 in '10!  Hopefully I'll have a good report at the end of the year on how I did!  Maybe I will have added some by then too, but I couldn't here.  It would've messed with my tens...

That's a nugget. --B


  1. Love it! Can't wait to go to our chick flick movie! I love your list as well......and by golly that desk looks fabulous! would you like to come clean mine next? (kidding...kind of) I need to update my blog...I am a slacker!!!!!!!!!!! much love, A

  2. I am thinking you need a new blog post....haha. i have no right to talk-it took me awhile to post something. Love me some Whole Foods. It is a little bit of a trek (30 mins away) but so worth it.

    hope you are having a great week friend!

  3. Hey! You won the Adie Camp CD! Let me know an email address so I can get it to you!
